Prof. Nicola Portinaro Special Guest Lecturer in the VI Congress National SISAV talking about Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) correction in patients with vascular malformations.
Do parents have to worry if their child walks on toes?
Prof. Portinaro answers to one of the most frequent questions addressed to a pediatric orthopedic specialist.
Neuro Orthopaedics is an innovative clinical specialization.
Prof. Portinaro exlpains his multidisciplinary approach to meet the needs of children affected by neurological diseases with a 360-degree attitude.
Professor Nicola Portinaro held a lecture on the use of botulinum toxin in the children affected by cerebral palsy, at the Humanitas Research Hospital.
On the 15th and the 16th October 2016, during the Italian "Spina Bifida Awareness Month" promoted by ASBI Italia, A.S.B.I.N. (Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Association - Niguarda Milan) organized the "2016 National Meeting for Families".